The FCL Xtreme Site aims to educate and inform farm management practices as it pertains to the types of grasses used for haying and grazing.
These demonstration plots show side-by-side comparisons of a variety of grass types. The goal is to help agronomists understand the physical makeup of each type through a hands-on experience that will enhance the value they offer to farmers. Understanding the different varieties, as well as their benefits and drawbacks, will help agronomists recommend the best grasses to use based on a variety of factors: yield, regrowth, maturity, soil type and whether it will be hayed or grazed.
This project is being used as a tool to provide a visual representation of the types of grasses used in any given farming operation and will serve to enhance the advice agronomists give to their farmers by providing them with real-life experiences with these grass varieties.
The Field Reports are an annual overview of all activities that happened at Discovery Farm Langham during the growing season including demonstration research, events and knowledge transfer.