For Immediate Release: February 15, 2023
LANGHAM, Sask. – With the goal of finding answers to challenges and opportunities prairie farmers are facing today, dozens of industry partners are conducting demonstration research at Discovery Farm Langham and sharing the results to help farmers remain competitive and sustainable.
Discovery Farm Langham is a gathering place where demonstration research, events and knowledge sharing takes place to unearth new and practical solutions for farmers. Located just northwest of Saskatoon, Sask. in the RM of Corman Park on 610 acres of farmland, the farm provides an opportunity for projects in real growing conditions, making research on the farm timely and relevant.
“This location allows us to do projects under real conditions on larger plots that often simulate what farmers see in their own field,” says Blake Weiseth MSc PAg, applied research lead at Discovery Farm Langham and agriculture research chair at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. “For example, some of the projects we’re doing have to do with salinity management, optimizing marginal land and nutrient and water use efficiency – all challenges that are top-of-mind for farmers.”
The 2022 Discovery Farm Langham Field Report shares learning from 12 projects, as outlined in the backgrounder. Some key highlights include:
“The 2022 Langham Field Report is a snapshot in time that brings what we have learned so far to the industry and ultimately the farmer,” says Carla Vipond, executive vice-president of Discovery Farm. “These initiatives are tailored to the farmer’s experience to maximize collaboration and create a space where knowledge grows.”
Download a copy of the 2022 Langham Field Report here.
For more information contact:
[email protected]
Discovery Farm is a demonstration research farm and events facility with locations in eastern and western Canada.
Through collaboration with farmers, industry, government, academia, grower groups and incubators, we unearth
possibilities and share practical solutions that benefit Canadian farmers.